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Short Term Motorcycle Insurance

With short term motorbike insurance policies you can cover almost any bike from one day up to three months.

Perhaps you're borrowing a friend's brand new Harley-Davidson for a weekend ride or maybe you own a classic motorcycle that you only use a couple of times in the summer months? Maybe you simply need to get your bike insured whilst you sell it? For all these situations and more, short-term insurance cover, might be right for you. Our call handlers work to help you find the cover you need at a price you can afford, so we're confident that we can find temporary motorbike insurance cover to suit you.

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Features of Temporary Motorbike Insurance

  • Designed to suit you – policies from one day to three months with different levels of cover offered.
  • Insure most bikes – Wide range of cover available.
  • Additional cover– Optional breakdown, personal injury and cover for your leathers available.

Age restrictions may apply to short term insurance policies, so make sure to check your policy terms carefully before buying.

Call 0330 022 5477 to get short term motorbike insurance over the phone.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I calculate if temporary motorbike insurance is cheaper for me?

If you’re a full on fair weather rider and you only really venture out on two wheels when the sun is shining, temporary motorbike insurance could be more cost effective than paying for an annual policy.

To establish whether you would save money by getting a short term motorcycle insurance policy, you need to be realistic and honest about how often you ride.

If for example, your riding is limited to three or four weekends in a year, short term insurance should be cheaper than an annual policy.

However, if you ride for six to eight months of the year, it might not, and the only real way to determine whether temporary or annual cover is cheaper than the other is to compare prices.

Do I need to insure my motorbike if it’s off the road?

The DVLA has made it a legal requirement to either insure your motorbike or declare it off the road, under the Continuous Insurance Enforcement (CIE) rules.

To combat uninsured riders and drivers in the UK, CIE rules came into place which means that even if your motorbike sits in a garage for just a couple of weekends a year, it must either be insured or SORN (Statutory Off Road Notification).

How do I declare my motorbike as off road?

To declare your motorbike as off the road, you will need to complete a V11 or V85/1 form and send it to the DVLA.

Your motorbike will then receive a SORN for a set period of time and, once this has expired, you will need to declare it off the road again or get it insured.

How do I get my motorbike back on the road after receiving a SORN?

To reverse your SORN and get back on the road you will need to tax your bike again and then insure it, which is where temporary motorbike insurance can help you out. Once you apply to tax your motorbike using a V5C form, your SORN will automatically expire.

How do I get short term motorcycle insurance?

Almost all types of bikes, regardless of age and size, can be covered on temp motorbike insurance policies.

You can also add breakdown and personal injury cover if you feel the need and short term motorcycle insurance policies start from as little as one day to three months in length.

One of the only stipulations is that riders must be aged 21 or over.

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