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Taxing a motorcycle has never been easier, all you’ll need to pay tax on your machine is the registration document aka the V5C, a green slip (V5C/2) if you are still waiting on the V5C or the logbook.
A valid MOT certificate for your motorcycle and motorcycle insurance.
Every year you will receive a notification that your tax is running out, if you normally pay by direct debit it will automatically renew and you do not need to do anything to update this.
There are a few ways in which you can pay tax on your motorcycle, often it isn’t too much hassle and can be done in a matter of minutes.
Paying motorcycle tax online is a very simple process, simply head on over to the Government website with the previously mentioned documents and fill out the details and information including the V5C numbers, your registration number and your address. This is a 24/7 process that can be done whenever is easiest for you.
You will be given the option to pay this in either one single payment, 12 monthly instalments or bi-annual payments every 6 months and can set up a direct debit to cover these.
Over the phone
There is the ability to pay for your road tax over the phone thanks to a 24-hour telephone service on the number 03001 234 321, the limitation to this service is that it only allows you to make a payment that covers either six or 12 months. If you want to pay monthly or set up a direct debit you must go online or via the Post Office.
Post Office
There are various post offices across the country that allow you to pay tax, you are able to pay in a multitude of methods including cash and have the ability to set up a direct debit to pay in monthly instalments. You will need to have the relevant information as previously listed.